We recently heard from Bonnie Berrey, secretary of Central Iowa Branch 23 of Orphan Grain Train. Orphan Grain Train is Christian organization our church supports as they seek to provide “relief for human need worldwide.” Central Iowa Branch 23 is located in the former Clemons Lutheran School building at 302 Bevin St. in Clemons.
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus from Orphan Grain Train, Central Iowa Branch 23, Clemons, Iowa!
Dear Friends at First Presbyterian,
Thank you! for your generous donation to Orphan Grain Train. Our latest shipment was sent September 14th to Lithuania. A relief load was shipped April 8th to Ukraine, and in July, we provided 110 boxes of mixed items for a private shipment to Ukraine. We are also focusing on working with local charities donating quilts and other needed items. We continue our mission of serving our Lord by providing for the needs of people all over the world, both in other countries and here at home. This is only possible because of individuals and groups like you who support us materially, financially, and prayerfully. Please continue to include us in your prayers, and we pray that God will bless you as you serve your Lord.
We always welcome visitors. We are here every Tuesday morning from 8:00-12:00. Coffee is at 10:00 sharp. Come see us again soon.
In His Love and Service,
Bonnie Berrey, Secretary