We at First Presbyterian Church are familiar with Jonathan's House in Central African Republic through Carter Strand's work establishing and shepherding it. There is another Jonathan's House with Marshalltown and First Presbyterian connections. It is Jonathan's Child Care Ministries (JCCM) in the west African country of Sierra Leone. This ministry is supported by Second Chance on Third, as second hand store that we have a working relationship with. They were highlighted in this blog last winter.

There is a lot going on at JCCM this fall. They have the following prayer requests:
that the right person comes forward to be the new pastor for the JCCM church
that the children, teachers, and staff have a great school year
that there will be positive changes in the Sierra Leone community
that children's lives will be transformed
and finally, for God's direction in all that JCCM is doing.
You may read their latest newsletter below.
