Fairhaven School in Alexandria, Egypt, is a school for children and adults with developmental disabilities. Such schools are rare in Egypt, and life is difficult for people with special needs there. The school is affiliated with a local Presbyterian church and serves both Christian and Muslim students. With an annual budget of only $200,000 the school serves 130 students with a variety of special needs including mobility, intellectual disabilities as well as blindness and deafness. Students receive instruction and support in academic, social development, life skills, and vocational classes.

Fairhaven School is one of the ministries Pastor Tom and Jean Bower have both been involved with throughout their many visits to Egypt. Pastor Tom is now seeking a legacy gift to the school to help with repairs and to continue the school's mission. He is hoping to raise $50,000 each year over the next three years across the Presbytery. Our church has committed some mission funds to this effort. If you would like to give to this worthy cause, please write your check to First Presbyterian Church and put "Fairhaven" in the memo line and send it to First Presbyterian Church, 101 S. Center St., Marshalltown, IA 50158.
You can learn more about Fairhaven School and Pastor Tom's project by watching this video: