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Cobbie and Dessa Palm, Missionaries to the Philippines

It has been a few months since we have received an update from the Palms, but I want to encourage you to be praying for them. Their most recent update is from this spring when they were able to come to the United States for a little while. I would encourage you to read it here.

In that letter you can hear a hint of the issues the Philippines has faced in getting enough vaccines for those who want to be vaccinated. The Philippines has been hit hard with waves of Covid. Please be in prayer for the safety of the Palms and pray for the leaders of the country as they try to slow the spread of Covid. The Philippines is also going through substantial political upheaval and issues at this time, and I would encourage you to pray for peace for the country and wisdom for the Palms as they navigate this situation and work for peace and understanding between the disparate groups.

If you want to learn more about (or be reminded about) their work in the Philippines, check out this very interesting video:


First Presbyterian Chuch


101 S. Center St. 

Marshalltown, IA 50158

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